Prenatal Consult
Initial Lactation Consult
Follow Up Consult

Prepare For Your
Milk Journey
Anticipating baby's arrival
1st time parents
Parents that have not fed human milk to previous babies
Difficulties with previous lactation experience or did not meet lactation goals
Parents looking to induce lactation for a baby they aren't carrying
Questions about what breastpump to order
Anxiety about feeding your baby
Expecting twins, triplets, or quadruplets
Have not experienced breast changes during the pregnancy
Flat or inverted nipples
History of breast surgery
Fertility Issues
Thyroid issues
We support ALL parents planning to use human milk in their infant feeding plan!
Begin Your
Milk Journey
Baby is here!
​Feedings are going great but want latch assessed, work on different feeding positions, get an idea of how much milk baby is drinking when nursing (weighted feed assessment)
Feedings are going "OK" but maybe experiencing some discomfort or pain, baby latching to one side but struggles with other, using nipple shield, supplementing with pumped milk or formula
Feeding are NOT going well or as expected. Baby not latching at all, despite your desire and efforts. Feeling overwhelmed.
​We are here for you, through the
good, bad, and ugly.
Let us help you enjoy feeding your baby!
Continue Your
Milk Journey
Established Milk Journey
​Away from baby on a regular basis (Heading to work or school)
Correct pump flange size
Milk Supply questions/concerns
Refusing to take a bottle
When & How to introduce solids
Looking to add formula into your infant feeding plan
Ready to end your Milk Journey
For Clients that have already established care with Milk Journey
Support through ALL stages of Your Milk Journey, from start to finish!
Clicking the "Check Your Coverage" Button will open a new page connecting you to The Lactation Network. Fill out a quick form to check if your insurance covers services with Milk Journey, LLC. Many Insurances Accepted: Inclusing HMSA PPO, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna & UHC.
Virtual Consults
Great for prenatal consults, inducing lactation, pumping questions, and weaning support.
In Person Visits: Kalaheo Office or Home Visit
In-person visits are preferred for Initial Lactation Consults due to virtual consult limitations.